Saturday, 4 February 2012

Deep in the Mataitai Forest

Posing for a group photo!
Clinton (on the far right) looks super pumped about it :p

Emma entertaining herself with the camera ...

... while the boys talk about electricity and fences, no jokes!

The boys making daisy chains

another group shot

this HUGE tree we came across

Our rest spot with the majestic view

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Deep In the Hunua Ranges

Our training walk in the Hunua Ranges was a success! We walked a 10km track and enjoyed the wonderful sights of the New Zealand bush.

Our well needed rest after deciding to sprint/jog part of the track.

Us not know what to do with our hands. This pose is gunna catch on.

The majestic Hunua falls which featured in the movie "Without A Paddle"

 The inhabitants of the Falls

Overall wicked weather and a great day to get out and train